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Oneness Yoga

Mondays 6-7PM

Lytchett Manor School, Post Green Road
Lytchett Minster, BH16 6JD

Make time for your wellness, as illness will make you make time.


Please bring your own mat, and a small towel which can be folded for head/back/hip support.

Contact us for more info



Yoga is an ancient Vedic philosophical practice, originated in India more than 2500 years ago. It offers many tools, from meditative to physical, in order to allow for a wholistic approach to health and wellbeing. The practice of this tradition is timeless as it means to strengthen and balance the flow of energy within your physical body, increase your vitality and understand and deepen your relationship with yourself and others. It provides you with the opportunity to re-connect to your inner self and to explore and discover your own true nature through the lens of a clear mind.


It teaches you the ability to pause, step back, reflect, shift perspective and choose wisely from a place of self- compassion and peace within.


Oneness Yoga  is welcoming every unique human being, every story and every journey in a non-judgmental, safe, kind, encouraging and heartfelt way. 

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